How might we empower our event-goers to take charge and explore the race amenities to better enjoy their race-day experience?

To better engage users during the race weekend, the new app aimed to be a digital guide to provide race-goers with timely info that they can rely on while on the go.

My Role
UX Design, Research, Interaction Design, Prototyping, Usability Testing, Visual Design

Project 2019
Timeline 3 months
Tools Sketch, Zeplin

Before the app was revamped, it was mainly for news and updates

Before the app was revamped, it was mainly for news and updates

Research & Insights

The existing mobile app was news & information-heavy, and the stakeholders wanted to provide additional value by digitalising their existing race guides. Most race-goers we talked to also differed in their goals: some were ardent fans of the Grand Prix who wanted to enjoy the live moments in the race, while others went to enjoy the musical acts. Key pain points include not knowing what food and beverages are available on-site and facing difficulties in making their way to their gate entrance and navigating around the track venue.


We faced the challenge of crafting the user flows against the time constraints. We worked around it by building the basic design system at the initial stage while gathering research insights. Additionally, we were limited in gathering direct users insights, relying on stakeholders’ knowledge of their users’ needs instead.


Design and Delight

Our Design Solution
Our approach was to present content to users that they prefer. It consist of combining visually energetic images of past races in the onboarding questionnaire that will shape their personalised app experience. With animation incorporated into the questionnaire, we added an element of delight to excite both types of users.

When users provide their ticket details & preferences, the app revolves around their personal schedule and help remind & locate where the next event will be. This will guide them along on the day of the race.

SGP App UI.png

Launch & Impact

We did a few final rounds of internal usability testing and iterated before proceeding to development. The app launched with quiz engagement increasing steadily closer to the event. It became the top downloaded sports app during the race weekend. We continue enhancing the app based on feedback provided through the post-event survey.

This project taught us to be more resourceful in gathering user insights indirectly, as well as to think about a solution that evokes excitement across the different user groups.